By Ricky Rhodes

Ari is a speaker, singer, New York Times bestselling author, host of “The Mole” on Netflix, and award-winning anchor of NPR’s All Things Considered and the podcast Consider This.

The Mole

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The finale is “a perfect episode of TV.” - The Atlantic

“The book keeps on giving, chapter after chapter, in turns humorous, introspective, or deeply serious, weaving together personal anecdotes, behind-the-scenes secrets, and heartbreaking profiles from war zones and refugee camps. Shapiro says he's built his radio career on "empathy, connection, and listening"— qualities that ring true in his writing as well.”

– starred Booklist

“True tales that even a novelist couldn’t imagine … ‘The Best Strangers in the World’ is the best read this spring.”

- Washington Blade

“Shapiro’s confident, clear voice and self-deprecating humor, familiar to his many fans, translates well to the written word. His writing will resonate with many and is a treasure for biography readers. Highly recommended.”

– starred Library Journal

“This is not sim­ply a re-report­ing of inter­views already cov­ered by NPR. Instead, Shapiro is com­mit­ted to ​’dream­ing the cul­ture for­ward and cre­at­ing the world we want it to be’ — just like the rad­i­cal faerie move­ment he so admires. He is con­tribut­ing to a nec­es­sary pub­lic con­ver­sa­tion, cen­ter­ing voic­es that make us beau­ti­ful­ly, imper­fect­ly human.”

- Jewish Book Council

“A clever and compulsively readable crowd pleaser.”



Now Available In Paperback

"Longtime listeners and first-time callers alike will delight in this collection."

-Publishers Weekly

Explore Ari’s Work:

By Victor Jeffreys